Saturday, March 31, 2012

Not Taken for "Granite"

Felt like blogging about a pretty cool experience I had today.

My son Luke had opening day for baseball today at the Deep Creek High School football field . 
He was hanging out with his team waiting on pictures and the parade to start. I felt the need to take a tour of the stadium since after all it is my Alma Mater. So I wandered a bit.

At the far end of the stadium there is a wall constructed with individual blocks of old granite. The main one in the middle was engraved with the words "Hornet Wall of Fame". I scanned over the approximately 75 different blocks with various names and dedications such as: Nathan T. Hardee (Deep Creek High Principle),  Deon Dyer (football star), David Cox (football coach) get the picture. Basically it's a memorial of people and organizations that have somehow donated time, effort, or money to the school.

As I continued to scan this massive wall, one old block in particular stood out and caught my attention quickly. It said "Faith Alive- The place to begin.....belong....become...." I would be lying if I said this didn't hit me in the gut! Wasn't expecting this one but here I was face to face with a block from my past.

You see I gave my life to Jesus in this church in 2004 and spent about 5 or 6 years there serving and growing. During my season there I went through a divorce, lost many friends and family due to my faith choice, and financially couldn't rub to nickels together. Did I turn my back on God during certain points in my life there? Yes! I think we all do from time to time whether we realize it or not. But I did know that something was stirring me to a purpose that we beyond my understanding and unexpectedly out of my control. I had been invaded by the Holy Spirit.

I actually entered this church one early Sunday morning after leaving a party at my house on my way to take someone home in Deep Creek. I was driving by and for reasons beyond my understanding (at that time) I felt like something was calling me inside. Before I knew it, I was sitting in the back seats of the church still half drunk and carrying a small amount of pot in my jeans pocket. I'll never forget that day. Pastor Bob was talking about what I had never heard. Jesus was in love with me and gave His life so I could live. That morning I felt dead and Lord knows I needed life and God invited me to His table to eat and receive healing.

Shortly after the message, an altar call was made and there was Allen, broken and crying at the altar laying down my reckless life. I had men praying over me who did not know me from Adam but knew I was a fresh face with a real need. I truly found a place to begin again.

As I began to change my life and allow God to work in me, I learned the value of being a servant. I would show up early at church looking for anyway to help. I would stay after and clean the chairs and floor of the left behind snotty tissues and church announcements. I was desiring to give back to God everything He gave me.

I finally  found a place to belong. I had a new family and a church home and would do anything to serve and be apart of something bigger than me.

As the years past, I had moved away from my roommates and made an effort to start surrounding myself with people that built me up and pointed me to the cross. I joined the choir, became a part of the men's ministry and even had an opportunity to facilitate a bible study or two. Not to mention I met my beautiful bride Sarah there. Nobody really knew what happened to me. All they could say is "Allen is different". Even my mother and sister who I partied with often said and I quote " We just want our old Allen back"! I will never forget my reply. "Sorry guys, he is gone and a new Allen has been born. I love you both but this is who I am now".

I had become a man of God, still a sinner but eager and now equipped to fight for my salvation and that of my daughter's.

This block of granite that I encounter this morning was to remind me that regardless of what may have happened to that wonderful church, it served a purpose in my life. Still today I have encounters with past members who say they regret ever being apart of that body and hold ample bitterness and personal unforgivness toward the acts of one man. I pray for them often!

I do believe that church (Faith Alive), whether they understand it or not, played an important role in the lives of all it's members. Sure the ending wasn't pleasant but what about the people like Allen who found a home there and learned that he's wasn't alone. People like Allen that needed a second chance in life. People like Allen that needed to learn about God's love and forgiveness. People like Allen who could come through the doors and feel like it was OK to be a sinner. People like Allen who needed a chance when the world gave up on them. That is the purpose of the today church and I will never let the sin of any man or woman to rock my faith! My faith is in God and nobody else! Period!!

I don't write this to condemn by any means!! The bible is clear on that but please understand my heart my friends......

I write this to open peoples spirit to accepting a bad experience in any church and taking away the whatever growth that is gained. The truth is, it is very likely that we are going to have bad experiences in church. All I know is that my faith became alive in that church and it and everyone who played a role in growing me will always hold a special place in my heart.

~Be Blessed~

Saturday, March 10, 2012

All In The Fold

This morning I learned something really cool while reading something on the internet. If you read in the scripture John 20:7 it says "and the handkerchief that had been around His head, not lying with the linen, but folded together in a place by itself (NIV).

The folded handkerchief that was around Jesus’s neck has so much meaning believe it or not!

In the days that Christ walked the earth, is was a common practice for a master to fold his napkin or handkerchief in certain ways to display his intent. If a master of a home was eating, the servant was always nearby waiting at his every need.

If the master wadded up his napkin and threw it on the plate that told the servant he was done. Think about! How many of you have done the same thing in a restaurant? I know I have and usually do.

But if a master folded up his napkin on his plate, it meant he was not done and would return soon.

In this scripture I believe Christ folded that napkin purposely away from the linens which signified death and the past. Here again He separates Himself from grip of death and gave the sign of His return. Awesome! He can use something as simple as a folded handkerchief to speak to us. A handkerchief! The very symbol of a servant!

I've always thought to myself that the linens would just be laying there flat with Jesus not in them. But actually when Jesus was wrapped, he was wrapped in such a way that it would be a cocoon around his body encapsulating him. When Peter found these linens they were still in the form as if His body was still present. They only way to remove a body from one would be to cut them out. And since these were not cut by natural means, the supernatural was on display.

Out from a restrictive cocoon came forth a most beautiful gift; the release of death and the gift of new life. Don’t let the cocoons the world places on your life keep you from breaking free, spreading your wings, and walking in the fullness of Christ. You are free indeed!!



Tuesday, March 6, 2012

My Buddy Cameron

So I had the privilege to hang out with a true little soldier for God last night. My buddy Cameron Wade Hope!!
For those of you who do not know him, you’re missing out on a fantastic blessing and the chance to have a cool genuine friend. This little boy is strong, joyful, and courageous and inspires me to be more! Did I mention VERY independent? He is all about doing things for himself. The word "pity" is not in his vocabulary.
I actually met Cameron years ago and from the day I met him, he's always seemed to be in some sort of cast or splint.  Often he's riding around in a wheel chair completely unaware of the contagious joy he is spreading in those glasses with his little smirks and smiles. I remember many times arriving early to church to set-up and there he'd be rolling up next to me in his wheelchair and asking me "Mr. Allen, what can I do"? Wow!! How many people do you know who won't even sign up to be a greeter in church?? Hmmm, kind of makes you think!
The Hope family lost a family member a few days back and held a service for her last night. They needed someone to sit with Cameron while they were gone and of course I jumped at the opportunity!
So anyway, my buddy had surgery yesterday morning on both of his legs and had metal rods put in! Good God! I could not imagine! And I complain about my bad back........It amazed me to see my little buddy run shop on the 7th floor last night. He had them nurses wrapped around his little finger. He has made so many trips to CHKD that he instinctively knew what to expect and what to do. Seriously! He knew the food menu. He knew all the DVDs they offer the kids to watch. He knew the position the bendy straw for drinking lying down in a hospital bed. He knew how I needed to support his legs when I removed a pillow to make him more comfortable.  He even knew that after the charge nurse gave him pain meds, that he would need the throw up bucket and wash towel for his face. Its amazing how much I learned from watching him last night and how he has changed my life.
A few things I came to realize during my visit:
(1) I have no right to complain about my life. If I have real deal life issues then that is understandable. But if I can't figure out what to wear to work or my car doesn't start or I can't afford a new I Phone. I need to get a grip!! Who am I to be so ungrateful!! My buddy can’t even walk right now!
(2) I don't spend enough of my time with God!  You see Cameron has been doing this for so long, that he knows what to do and what to expect. It comes natural to him. It should be the same in our relationships with God. We should know enough about Him and what His promises are that we know how to react when life gets tough and what scriptures to stand on to get us through.
(3) Pain is real! Cameron has been dealing with some form of pain for a long time. Towards the end of the night, he started to show signs of pain and hurt. But not by his choice!  How many times do we deal with pain and choose to do so because it’s the way things have been or routine. His pain was not self inflected. Ours is more times than not.
(4) Laughter is good for the soul. We had a chance to watch a few DVDs and giggle together. It warmed my heart to watch him smile and share a laugh with him knowing what a rough road he had ahead.
(5) God is still in the business of healing. I took some time and somehow found my way to the hospital chapel. It’s just a small room with an altar, a few chairs, and a stand. There I found a prayer book. I read one prayer written in pen the spoke of how a baby girl was close to death on that day, but because of the love and care of the people of CHKD and healing power of God, she pulled through. At the end of that same prayer there was a side note written in pencil and in the same handwriting that said “My little girl is now ten. Thank you”! I also wrote my prayer for Cameron.
It's amazing what we can learn from a child and realize how spiritually immature we can really be if we would be honest with ourselves. God does not need a big church or tons of money to make miracles happen. He needs you and me to give our time and effort to those who need love and prayer. It's never to late to share a hug or just say thanks. It can make more of an impact than we could ever imagine.