Saturday, March 10, 2012

All In The Fold

This morning I learned something really cool while reading something on the internet. If you read in the scripture John 20:7 it says "and the handkerchief that had been around His head, not lying with the linen, but folded together in a place by itself (NIV).

The folded handkerchief that was around Jesus’s neck has so much meaning believe it or not!

In the days that Christ walked the earth, is was a common practice for a master to fold his napkin or handkerchief in certain ways to display his intent. If a master of a home was eating, the servant was always nearby waiting at his every need.

If the master wadded up his napkin and threw it on the plate that told the servant he was done. Think about! How many of you have done the same thing in a restaurant? I know I have and usually do.

But if a master folded up his napkin on his plate, it meant he was not done and would return soon.

In this scripture I believe Christ folded that napkin purposely away from the linens which signified death and the past. Here again He separates Himself from grip of death and gave the sign of His return. Awesome! He can use something as simple as a folded handkerchief to speak to us. A handkerchief! The very symbol of a servant!

I've always thought to myself that the linens would just be laying there flat with Jesus not in them. But actually when Jesus was wrapped, he was wrapped in such a way that it would be a cocoon around his body encapsulating him. When Peter found these linens they were still in the form as if His body was still present. They only way to remove a body from one would be to cut them out. And since these were not cut by natural means, the supernatural was on display.

Out from a restrictive cocoon came forth a most beautiful gift; the release of death and the gift of new life. Don’t let the cocoons the world places on your life keep you from breaking free, spreading your wings, and walking in the fullness of Christ. You are free indeed!!



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